Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Eve Dinner

Every year for Christmas breakfast my dad's family makes biscuits and gravy and Pork chops. When we started doing our own Christmas we took the tradition and made it a Christmas Eve dinner, because we never have time on Christmas morning, now that Stacey and I go to the in-laws. It is still something that we look forward to all year!
This is a picture of all the boys in a post Food coma (watching TV)
Lucy had Gravy Everywhere! Look at her chest.
After Lucy got done, she was so full she has already learned the 
undo-the-top-button of your pants to make yourself feel better trick!
Kemrie at the same meal. What kind of Hobo am I raising? 
I guess she is one who likes her food.
I am sure if Lucy had her way we would eat this more than once a year.

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