Friday, December 19, 2008


This year for our Christmas party with the Heber friends, we met at the bowling alley and ate, played a game of bowling. Lucy tried bowling for the first time, and loved it so much that she did not understand why it was not always her turn.  Lucy used the ball ramp, and would push the ball as hard as she could and run back to grab another ball, before the ball had even reached the pins. 
After bowling we went to Katie's house to talk and laugh. Katie's daughter Brynn came down the stairs and said "Mom, Lucy is not being modest, she is naked" yep that right our daughter was naked! We got her dressed and sent her back up to play, and soon we hear toys coming down the stairs, without a person. Lucy helped them get that way! It is crazy that anyone lets us in their house without leaving a deposit. 
Thank you Katie for all the hard work, we had a great time. 

Also that same day we went to see Grammy Sandy and Nelly. Lucy loves Nelly, every time we get to Grammy's Lucy runs to the window and starts to yell "Nelly" Soon Nelly will return to live with his family. (Kevin,Erika and Cole) in their new house.

1 comment:

Nelson said...

It was a blast! Thanks again for coming. Lucy was great entertainment. I just love her!
You got some great pictures.